Amiibo Cards: The special case to this standard concerns Amiibo Cards, which give you somewhat more command over which resident you need: I got Stiches along these lines. To start with, you need the Amiibo Card, which you either as of now have or you've paid off of eBay for a monstrous upsell. At that point, you go to the terminal in the Resident Services building, where one of the ACNH Items choices enlightens you regarding Amiibo. Select this and sweep your card.
When you do that, your picked resident will be at your campground quickly—no sitting tight for the following day. Go to visit them, and they'll approach you to make something for them, regularly giving you a DIY formula simultaneously.
You'll have to welcome them back multiple times, and likely make a few things for them. Do this enough, and they'll request to move to lolga your island. On the off chance that you state indeed, you'll have the option to request that a particular resident leave. This will start the case procedure, and in a couple of days your new resident will appear.