It goes against the grain , especially for those of us used to "business at the speed of light." But bear with me. I'm not trying to teach you Zen philosophy. But I am going to show you how working backward can move your business forward.
Let's start with a purchase. That's a great place to be, isn't it? The moment when your prospect has become your customer. When money changes hands and your widget or service finds a new home. It's beautiful.
But what got your customer to this point?
I can actually hear a few of you saying, "Who cares? All that matters is that she's here." Well, that attitude may work for a garage sale. Or even a going out of business sale. But if you want more customers Cheap Yeezy Boost 750 V2 , and more moments like this one, it really helps to know what got us here.
So you can do it all over again.
Go ahead and ask her some questions. Get her to fill out a survey. Analyze your web logs. Act like a secret agent if you have to and find out what brought her to you. Find out things like:
How did you hear about us? You absolutely have to know what methods of promotion are working, and what isn't. Otherwise you waste money.
Of course, there are ways to track responses to your marketing without asking. If you're using direct response. If your ad commercial sales letter asks your prospect to call Cheap Yeezy Boost 750 , use a different number for each ad. Then see which ads bring in the most phone calls. Use coupons, and put a code on each one that tells you where it ran. Have special landing pages on your web site for each and every ad or commercial you run, and track the traffic.
Now you can see what marketing messages are working, and should be increased. And Cheap Yeezy Boost 500 , what isn't working. That you can cut out.
What made you choose us over our competitors? You both know competitors exist, so there's no point in denying it. But your customer has rejected them in favor of you. Why?
Use what you discover here to differentiate yourself in your marketing. That doesn't mean attacking your competitors. It just means calling attention to your more favorable aspects.
What put you in the market for a widget? Find out what problem your product or service is solving. Don't just guess, get the facts. You may be surprised at what you discover. Use this powerful information to craft sales messages that speak to the needs of your prospects.
There are all kinds of ways to get this information. If you have a retail store, you can train your employees to strike up a conversation and ask. You can always give out surveys Cheap Yeezy Boost 700 , and a few customers will fill them out. Offering an incentive, like a discount on their next purchase, is a great way to get more.
Finding out what led your customer to your cash register takes a bit of time and effort. But once you know where the journey started, you can meet others there. And you'll have a much better idea how to guide them to a purchase of their own!
Does your marketing forge an emotional connection with your prospects? It can. Lisa Packer delivers persuasive Cheap Yeezy Boost 350 V2 , targeted copywriting that dramatically increases your business. Unleash the power of words on behalf of your business by visiting today. Free Advertising ? If It Is Really Free - Can It Have Any Real Value? ECommerce Articles | July 17, 2007 Copyright (c) 2007 Scott MagersThe real question is how to utilize the free classified ads to make a profit without being overloaded with the e-mail confirmations you will receive when you post the fr...
Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Magers
The real question is how to utilize the free classified ads to make a profit without being overloaded with the e-mail confirmations you will receive when you post the free ads. With these confirmations will come advertisements, which is how those organizations still make money providing a site for your free classified ads.
You certainly will want to quickly delete all the many confirmations you will receive. Also, your e-mail will be stripped from your online ads and you will receive junk mail which you may be able to turn into an opportunity. Respond with your own ad and ask them for more information.
I didn't believe there could really be any free ads Cheap Yeezy Boost 350 , and even if they were free, would they actually have any real worthwhile value? When you Google free ads you will be surprised, as I was when I did, at the variety of free advertising available.
You have one line ads Cheap Yeezy Boost Shoes , classified ads, ads for cars, business opportunities, jobs Cheap Adidas Yeezy Boost , whatever you are selling. There is actually every subject imaginable.
The many sites offering free advertising are making money a variety of ways. Some offer the free ads with a limited exposure or limited features and options. Often these free ads will run for free for 30 days. Then you have to start paying for them.
In other cases paid display advertising is along side your free classified advertising.
The idea is that everyone is doing it for the money. So, free advertising is free long enough or generates enough traffic for you to make some money. Then, when you want to expand the amount of money you want to make by expanding your advertising exposure to generate even more buying traffic, you have to pay for greater exposure.
What could be more perfect that proving without any risk on your part that this particular source of advertising or your particular ad content will actually pull enough traffic to make a profit? A free test before buying. You limit your risk of getting started Cheap Yeezy Boost , so therefore you are eager to try out the advertising source. This is a win-win for you and the site you are advertising on.