Wouldn't it be wonderful to feel like you could talk to God about anything? The kind of relationship where you and God talk about more than blessing your family and friends and finances. Perhaps you know or see people who seem to have this kind of deep and personal relationship with God.
Well you can have it too. And Jake Dotchin Blues Jersey , my prayer is that after reading this article you will be well on your way to one of the most intimate and exiting relationships you'll ever have.
Someone may ask, ?Why would I want a deeper relationship with God? What are the benefits?? One of the major benefits is that you will be more fulfilled, satisfied and productive. As you learn more about God, you begin to walk more in step with Him and that's when life really gets exciting. If you truly want to live life to the fullest, getting on and staying on the same page with God is critical.
I believe there are three secrets to developing and maintaining an intimate relationship with God. Why do I call them secrets? Because Ryan O'Reilly Blues Jersey , sometimes they seem to be hidden from common view, elusive almost. Most of us desire to be closer with God, but for some reason we can't seem to get there or stay there for long. So how do we do it?
Secret #1. Honesty
The naked truth is, God already knows what and how we think. He knows our inner desires, all the good things we've done and the things we wouldn't dare want anyone to know. God knows our dreams David Perron Blues Jersey , desires, goals and more importantly, the wonderful things He's designed you to do and become.
Why tell Him something He already knows? Being transparent with God has an opening and clarifying effect. It clears the air and establishes an atmosphere of truth and honesty. Now you and God can talk, really talk. There's no secrets between Him and you. Another effect it has is helping us be more honest with ourselves. Sometimes we lie to ourselves about what's really going on inside of us. It's too difficult to face so we ignore things, or excuse them. Once we're honest with ourselves Colton Parayko Blues Jersey , we're left with the question, ?Now what am I going to do about this situation or area of my life?? And, this question continues to surface until we either take action or avoid it again.
Acknowledging the elephant in the room has a clearing effect and this is what God wants so that He can have open and honest communication with you.
Secret #2. Obedience
Jesus says in John 14:21, 23 that those who love Him will keep His commandments. They will obey Him. And, if they obey Him they are demonstrating their love for Him and will be loved by Him and the Father. But Jake Allen Blues Jersey , there's a bonus, Jesus says, ?I will love [them] and manifest myself to [them].? In verse 24, He says, ?. . .and We will come to [them] and make Our home with [them].? Wow! If you really want to move past a casual relationship with God Alex Pietrangelo Blues Jersey , Jesus tells us how right there is those three verses.
What about those times when you know what you're supposed to do, but don't feel like doing it? Ahh, I'm glad you asked. Ask God at that very moment to give you both the will and desire to do what you know you should do, whether you feel like it or not. If you still fail, don't worry Tyler Bozak Blues Jersey , don't have a pity party, just get back on track as quickly as possible by being honest with God about what you did or didn't do, ask for forgiveness and press on. Ask God to help you be successful the next time and keep moving forward.
Secret #3. Time
In any relationship, time is an essential element for intimacy. Quantity usually takes priority over quality and here's why. Some things are only revealed as we spend more time in the presence of another. The more opportunities we have to experience that person in different situations, the more we get to know them. It is this way with our relationship with God as well.
How much time is enough? That's between you and God. Spend as much time as possible thinking about and sharing your most personal thoughts and feelings with God. The more you do this Alexander Steen Blues Jersey , the more you open the channels of communication with God and thereby grow closer to Him.
Honesty - Be transparent with yourself and God at all costs at all times.
Obedience - Do it anyway, even when you don't feel like it. When you don't feel like it, ask God to give you the will and desire to do it.
Time - Think about God, talk to Him and listen to Him whenever and wherever you can.
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